Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My brain is melting....
BTW, where is the cool fonts, and other things that used to be available when posting? I hope that blogger hasn't down graded us who aren't paying for their site.
But back to what my brain is melting about.
Monday night we were in our Heart for Ministry class, going through the book of Acts, when a question came up about the Holy Spirit. I can't remember the question exactly, but the discussion basically revolved around whether or not receiving the Holy Spirit, (as in the baptism of the H.S.), happens at conversion, or at a later time.
So I sat my self down at the comp., opened up Josh's bible software program, and my Bible, and began to read through the book of Acts.
In my notebook I posed three questions:
1) When a person is saved, do the receive the H.S. at that same time?
2) If that is the case, what does the Bible mean when the H.S. 'falls upon' or 'fills' a person?
3) What is/are the result(s) of the H.S. doing these things? (ie.: 'falling upon', 'filling', a person 'receiving', 'pouring out upon', etc.)
I than spent the rest of the day, up until about an hour ago, searching just through Acts to see if these questions could be answered.
After several pages of notes, I have come to the conclusion that indeed the gifting of the Holy Spirit is a separate event from a person being saved. Now I must tell you, this completely rocks my mind, and for one solid reason: not only do we receive Jesus and are baptized in His name, but we are also given another gift, the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower our lives to share the good news of the gospel. I mean seriously, do we need any other gifts other than salvation? Already we don't deserve that! But than for God to be so gracious as to give us His Holy Spirit to enable us to go and do the things He has created us to do....ah its just too much!
I also learned that the words used for describing how the gift is delivered, really doesn't make a difference. Before searching all this out, I wondered if a person received the H.S. first, (when they were saved), and than later, (at God's appointed time), the H.S. would come upon them in a different way, empowering them to do His good works. Well it turns out that I don't know how the H.S. works in the life of a new believer who has yet to be baptized in the H.S., but I do know that whenever they use the words 'receive' or 'filled', or phrases like 'fell upon', or 'poured out', in the book of Acts, its all pointing to the same event: The Holy Spirit has come to empower a believer to do things that beforehand were not possible for them to do.
In answer to the 3rd question, I found out that SO many things happen when the H.S. is poured out on the believer. Sometimes people would speak in tongues afterwards, others would prophesy, some saw visions and dreamed dreams, many were given boldness to preach the gospel and stand up to the religious leaders even though they faced certain persecution, and some were enabled to perform signs and wonders of healing and raising the dead back to life. Basically all pretty incredible stuff, stuff that I believe God still wants to be doing in us today.
And with that last statement, my mind begins to wonder if the reason we often don't see these things happening is because we believers are not being baptized in the Holy Spirit? I mean if it is by this baptism that all these things happen, and none before in the individual, shouldn't we eagerly desire to also be baptized in the H.S.?
Thinking that also brought another thought to my mind. If that is the case, have I been baptized in the Holy Spirit? Is the reason I lack the boldness to share Christ with other because I have yet to receive this gift? Is the reason that I am afraid of persecution because I have yet to have the Holy Spirit poured out on me? I must tell you, I do not know. I feel I may know the answer, but I also think I must spend more time in prayer before I know for certain. Whatever the answer turns out being this much I know is true....I do NOT want to be an ineffective christian. A person who goes to church on Sunday, and during the week locks myself up in my apartment where I am comfortable and safe.
I wish so much that I could share in more detail what God has shown me, but in all honesty, Its still sinking in for me at this time.
If you have any questions about this, please ask me! Like I said I have lots of notes, and if anyone is interested, I will share them with you.
God bless you and I pray He intrigues your heart so that you seek out the things of God that are still a mystery to you.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Counting down the days...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I'm a terrible blogger...
Monday, September 21, 2009
O boy it has been awhile...
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Kindness of God
I don't struggle with boredom often, but I have recently found myself to be heading that way at work. The phone just doesn't ring like it used to *sigh*
So in light of my nearing boredom, I decided to actually study the Word! Every time I do, it is a sweet and rewarding experience :D I love the Bible! And I love God who translates it for my not-so-smart brain.
I've been reading Roman's during this past week'ish. Today, a "problem" with a family member came up. While searching the scriptures for answers, I came again to my past reading in Roman's 1:27-2:5. In helping me better understand the depths of what I was reading, I turned to my fellow friend, David Guzik. He has commentaries on many books of the Bible, (all of which you can find at, and they are excellent!
While reading the word, and following his commentary, this particular piece stood out to me.
not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?"
Rom. 2:4
"Not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance (in ref. to vs. 4): Many people misunderstand the goodness of God towards the wicked. They don’t understand the entire reason for it is to lead them to repentance.
i. Men should see the goodness of God and understand:
- God has been better to them than they deserve
- God has shown them kindness when they have ignored Him
- God has shown them kindness when they have mocked Him
- God is not a cruel master and they may safely surrender to Him
- God is perfectly willing to forgive them
- God should be served out of simple gratitude
ii. Are you waiting for God to drive you to repentance? He doesn’t work like that; God leads you to repentance. “Notice, dear friends, that the Lord does not drive you to repentance. Cain was driven away, as a fugitive and a vagabond, when he had killed his righteous brother Abel; Judas went and hanged himself, being driven by an anguish of remorse because of what he had done in betraying his Lord; but the sweetest and best repentance is that which comes, not by driving, but by drawing: ‘The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance.’” (Spurgeon)"
Um WoW! Can you say, 'amazing!'? Cause I sure do when I read this!
Isn't it sad how we so often have humbly received God's grace, only to begin to believe we have deserved it? And when we begin to think that, we than look down our noses at others, condemning the obvious sinner for what they're doing. We forget that it is because of His kindess that we have received His grace. If only we would walk in His grace, sinners would see His love and turn to Him because they know He is kind. (I'm not saying it is up to us to 'save the world', but we do need to put our lives into His hands and let His love flow out of us and unto others.)
Those are my thoughts for the moment, and I hope to dwell on them all day. I have been wanting to post for some time. Reading this scripture has given me enough passion to do just that. Now, I get to go live it out, (especially since I know God is going to help me fully learn this lesson now :)
God bless you! I pray, if you are His child, He will show you today more how to walk in His ways. If you are not His child, I pray He will open your heart to the love He has for you.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Pictures, finally!!!
See, I told you its not fun to fall down a mountain. Ow that really looks like it hurts huh? I actually took this pic this morning. I figured I'd wait 'till it looked its worse. All the swelling has finally gone down and look what was hiding underneath! Pretty gross!
8 weeks 14 weeks
Yeah I don't think that belly is planning on staying small for much longer :D
Thought to ponder
Hebrews 4:16
I mean honestly, if God has made it so that I can approach Him with boldness, my Eternal Master, my Creator, my King, the Holy of Holies... then why I am not bold to share my faith, or reach out to someone hurting? If I believe the writer when they say, "let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace," then shouldn't it be that much more simple to go near to someone in their time of need?
Our girl's group discussed this last night and I must admit, I have been acting like a wimp. The chapter basically looked over these few things:
- In order to help others you must first Be There, i.e., you must be at church, youth group, different ministry outings, work, the street, wherever it is that the people are! You must be present, wherever the people are, in order to help.
- You must be Prepared to give of yourself. If I go to a church service just expecting to get something out of it, than I will be going unprepared to be a vessel that God could use to touch someone else's life. I must prepare myself before going. I must be in prayer, in the Word, looking through His eyes at the world and asking, "who Lord, needs to feel your arms of love in this moment? Who needs an encouraging word? Who needs prayer, and what do I pray?"
- I must be Bold and willing to step outside of my comfort zone. Hurting people are sometimes hard to approach, especially if you do not know them. Instead of being afraid of rejection, a problem 'too big' for me to handle, or sitting with someone while they are vulnerable with me, I need to be bold to go to them and let Christ love them through me. I feel it is the same with seeing new people. At our church it is not very easy to pick out the newbies, (since a good number of people come to each service), but maybe if I greeted at the front door, I'd have a better chance of catching them and making them feel welcomed. Actually I think that our greeters do a great job! So maybe I don't need to go there, but after service there are always lots and lots of families just hanging out in the fellowship hall. Maybe I could strike up a conversation? This would definetly take some boldness to accomplish
I just plain don't want to be this wimpy christian anymore. I dont want to be afraid of offending someone or making a pleasant situation into an akward one. I want compassion to take the place of my standing still. I want love to take the place of fear. I want to watch Christ use me while I am alive on this earth. I want to see Him transform lives and reveal Himself to those who have yet to see Him. I want to live my life zealously for God so that when people look at me, they see the Father and want to know Him.
O Lord help me please, I don't want to be silent anymore. I don't want to hide my light under a basket. Please Father embolden me, let my heart feel the compassion you have for the hurting and lost. Please take me where you want me to go, I am Your servant and your beloved daughter. I know You will be with me wherever I am, please lead me to where You are. In your Son's Holy and precious name, Amen
Thursday, June 25, 2009
- married 1 year, 7 months, and 25 days
- packed up the entire apartment (and I have yet to have any part in the actual moving *woo-hoo*)
- scheduled a weekend get away
- entered my 2nd trimester on Tuesday
- never threw up due to morning sickness, (I think this is HUGE, so its going on the list)
- kicked some butt at ultimate Frisbee, (Josh's to be exact -haha j/k Josh...actually maybe I'm not)
- made it to work on time everyday, this week, but once, (2 minutes shouldn't be considered late)
- finished recording all but two sections of my heart for ministry notes, to the computer, (it takes hours, probably only like one person will understand this accomplishment - Josh)
- dealt with angry customers without sobbing
- played the role of collections lady without freaking out, (of course it is easy to be stern with an answering machine...)
- went to bed on time every night
- progressed into the part of pregnancy when you have ridiculously realistic dreams, (o my stupid, lively imagination!)
- choose a healthy alternative over sugar enriched junk
- amazingly I haven't cleaned anything, (except my self), in over 3 weeks. Dishes don't count because they go in the dishwasher. And before you begin to think I'm a complete slob, we're moving and we don't have to clean, nana-nana-boo-boo!
- stayed away from the Chinese Gender Predictor chart, though I find it fascinating and not knowing what we are having is almost worse than waiting for 9 months to end!
- I didn't do this one, but my brother Garret proposed to his girl Meghan. (she said yes, btw)
- Another one I didn't do, but while I'm introducing people who weren't really supposed to be on this littlest brother Adam has his first g/f, (how does that happen? I mean he is so cool and this is his FIRST g/f??? anyways, whoever the chick is, she is a very lucky girl :)
- if I pull back the "flub" on my tummy, you can see the baby bump beginning to POP!!!!
Um yea so I guess that is my list :) Nothing too crazy exciting, but It was an easy way for me to update. Next time I post, I hope to actually have some pictures. I always write while I'm at work sooooo yeah. Maybe I'll try from home next time.
Monday, June 22, 2009
If any of you read my last post, (which was really a waste of time, sorry if it got any of you down), you would know that I was feeling poopy because I wanted to get away with Josh and didn't see how that would ever happen. As I was typing that message out, I was also texting Josh, letting him know how super sad I was, (and honestly I wasn't trying to manipulate!) Just after I posted that blog, he text me back and said, 'lets go somewhere'. I was like, ' what seriously? Just like that we will go somewhere?' So we called up my mom to see if we could use her time share. She said yes, we were all excited, but then we couldn't find anything near us that was available. So we were bummed again, and started to throw the idea out when Josh said, 'well why don't we just pay to go somewhere else and just not use your Mom's time share?' Again I was like, 'what seriously? Just like that we'll pay to go somewhere and get away?!' We thought about camping, but both of us sort'a cringed at the idea of having to be dirty for 2 1/2 days, ( I know kind'a wierd, but honestly we just wanted to go somewhere already layed out, nice and clean, and bugless). So we searched, I was praying all along, just asking the LORD to give us somewhere to get away to. We wanted to go to Leavenworth, but hotels were running like $169 a night, -um yea ridiculous- or at least, too much for us to spend. We looked around Montana and a little in Oregon, (I love this part of being in Wa. You can actually GO somewhere when you 'get away' :), and finally decided on Sweitzer (Sp?). Actually I don't even know where Sweitzer is. I think Josh said Montana. Anyways its a resort on a mountain with an outdoor pool and shopping and bike trails and free lift tickets so that you can go to wherever the lift takes you...*sigh* I feel so blessed! I just love that God would bless us and actually give us a place to get away too! We both figured that other than going to AK in July, (which really isn't a 'vacation', per say, but more of a 'visit'), we aren't going to get to go anywhere, just the two of us, before the baby is born. Josh begins his internship, with the church, in August and than 4'ish months later we pop out a baby, (or I should say I pop out a baby), and between now and than, this weekend is the ONLY one we could take off to do something.
The fun part will be moving this week before leaving Friday morn. :) But like we keep on telling each other, 'if Nehemiah can build the wall of Jerusalem in 52 days...we can move in a week!' Thank You God for the encouraging stories you have put in the Bible!
I'm so stoked about this weekend coming up! Thank You Lord for giving us this precious gift!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Feeling Sad
Josh and I went down to San Diego for a week, than hopped on a cruise boat for another 7 days, for our honeymoon. We actually were "hoping" to sneak off to somewhere tropical in January, but that won't happen now. To tell you the truth, I'm really feeling pretty down right now. I'm so tired of Josh and I not seeing each other. I know other women can relate, so I don't want to spend too much time on this subject, (and have my bad attitude to rub off on you).
Honestly I love what we are spending our time on, yet can't there be a little more time in the day so that we can see each other? Ok I'm really feeling like I need to stop talking about this. A friend of mine doesn't seem to ever see her husband, and I never hear her complaining, so I think I should just stop. I just wanted to let out some of my saddness. I know the LORD hears my heart, and He will do whatever is right. Maybe we will get to get away for a weekend. Or maybe my heart will change. In any case, He knows how I am feeling and I'm just gonna' let this go for now.
I know, not really an uplifting post. I figured I should write about something, and since this is heavy on my brain, well its what gets written.
Love you all!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Just a thought...
"Record your weight and waistline each week
Be sure to record your weight and waistline measurements each week in your journal to track the amazing changes your body will go through in the next few months. Keep track of those roller coaster feelings, too. They will make you smile, years from now."
All last night I kept rubbing my belly 'cause its already sticking out. Unfortunately I know its not because a baby is pushing up, but its more then likely; A) bloating, B) water weight, or C) whatever else my body is doing these days. Actually I have been thinking about this...I have an obviously short waist. So I know that whenever I put on a 'little' weight in my mid-section, it looks like a ton. I always figured this was because being a short waisted person, the fat only has so much area to spread out over. So if that is true, could it be that I would be showing sooner than maybe a long waisted person? I have no scientific proof to prove this, but honestly, my belly really is sticking out significantly further than it was before I was pregnant. You can even ask Josh, he pats and rubs my belly now :)
Anyways that is all I wanted to say for now. I know its short, but it was a thought I had that I felt like sharing with the world, (or at least the handful of you that read this ).
Blessings to all!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Amazed by God
In the scroll of the book it is written of me.
I delight to do Your will, O my God;
Your Law is within my heart.'" Ps. 40:7&8
After finishing the Ps., and soon forgetting these verses, I noticed I had still enough time to read something from the N.T.
Last night Pastor Ken mentioned Hebrews 1, and though I couldn't recall why he did, I did remember that because of what he said, I wanted to read it. I worked my way through Heb. 1, (mind you it is not a book I usually or even recently have turned to), and because of some of the inner struggles of my heart, I read more of Heb. I decided what to read by looking over the sub-titles given throughout the chapters. I read a few verses and a couple paragraphs and was about to close up my bible when this sub-title stuck out to me, "One Sacrifice of Christ is Sufficient". I probably would have never taken a second look except that during worship we sang "It is Well With My Soul'', (again, not a usual worship song we sing). One line of that song spoke powerfully to my heart, and filled me with such overwhelming gratitude for my Savior. It's the line that says, "My sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more". In all the hurt and confusion of my heart, I knew one thing to be undeniably true, my sin, not in part but in whole, has been nailed to the cross and I bear it no more! In this I found the freedom and joy to truly worship my Savior, despite whether I felt like it or not. Being reminded of this blessed time of worship, the sub-title for Heb. seemed of particular interest to me.
Reading down chapter 10, I came to verse 7;
(In the scroll of the book it is written of Me)
To do Your will, O God'."
I had to do a double take. I said, "'Really God?" Flipping back to Ps. 40:7&8 I read the same words! Then I said, "You really want to be that personal with me?" And with that thought came a continuous chorus of, "Thank You! Thank You!", and many tears of relief.
I have been feeling really kind of lost of God. I have felt as though I know He is real and powerful, but I have not felt the intimacy of His nearness. Even late last night, as Josh and I were reading our Night Light devotional, it asked how we have seen the power of prayer. I honestly had no answer. Yes I pray, yes I believe God will answer those prayers, for I know He hears them. But to actually remember a time where God's hand personally came down and did a miracle before my eyes, I could not remember the last time. And than with one fail swoop, He reached down and touched my weary heart.
This is my response to His goodness to me:
I love you God I love you I love you!
Thank You Holy Spirit for guiding and directing my path. I know You were preparing me for something marvelous, and this is certainly marvelous!
I love You LORD! My God, My King!
You have refreshed and renewed my weary heart!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Since its been 2 months and 1 day...
I sure hope I haven't lost you so far.
Anyways that wasn't the direction I was planning on going when I got here. What I ACTUALLY wanted to write about was how I found out I was pregnant, (and how Josh found out too)....
It all started when I missed my 'you know what'. The thing is, Josh and I had wanted to start 'trying', but after 2 months we both decided that I should go back on birth control, (there is a good reason, but I don't wanna get into it now. Ask me later if you are interested). I took two days worth of the pill, and than expected to see my period. Well since taking BC at any random time during the month can throw your cycle off a few days I thought nothing of missing Mr. tom. I needed some blood flow regulators (i.e. tamps - sorry to any guy that is reading this, I'm trying to be as modest as possible) and since the pregnancy tests are on the same aisle...I picked one up. Those being the only two items I was purchasing, I commented to the cashier that the blood flow regulators were back up, in case the test came out negative (I don't know why, but I just felt like I had to give an explanation for buying only those two things). Anyways I went home, took the test and WHOA! Instantly my eyes began to fill with tears. I just kept staring at it going 'no way! no way!' I was crying like a little kid who just couldn't get enough air in to counteract his hyperventilating, and walking quickly through the house, back and forth saying 'no way! no way!' I was so glad Josh wasn't there, cause there is no way he would've understood my reaction. I didn't even understand my reaction! I don't know why I was crying, it wasn't like overwhelming tears of joy. I think it was more like my body going through shock or somethin. I mean what do you think when you find out your pregnant, and even though you were planning on it, it still totally takes you by surprise? Yea I pretty much just didn't know how to react. By the time Josh came home from youth group, I had cleaned up the whole apt, put a clean white table cloth on the table, wrapped up the test in a Christmas tin, and turned on the Christmas lights that were still up. I also set up the camcorder so that I could catch his reaction on film. I haven't watched it to see how well it caught everything, but man o man I hope it got his smile! On the top of the Christmas tin I put one of those 'To: From:' stickers and wrote 'To: my love for life From:your wife - Merry Christmas'. Needless to say he was pretty confused. He was like 'why am I opening a Christmas present in April?' I told him I had gotten it for him when I was at the store and was *so excited* about it that I couldn't wait for Christmas to give it to him. His reaction was nicer than mine. He didn't cry and pace around like a crazy person. He laughed and smiled with abundant joy, it was like our wedding day all over. He also kept saying 'wow! wow!', which I think was also much better than my disbelieving 'no way! no way!' Everyday he tells me how excited he is to be a daddy and I can't express enough how grateful I am for such a man :D
I know I wrote a lot, (again), but I just really really wanted to get down this incredible experience. I'm sure I want forget it, but there is something so fun about coming back, at some point in the future, and reading things like this. It's like how the Israelites set up rock monuments to 'never forget' what God had done for them in different circumstances of their lives. I guess that really is what this blog is for me. It is a a mound of rocks, a monument that I can return to and read, and remember the goodness of the LORD. I hope it brings some smiles to your faces too :)
And with that all said, I sign off to go on to do something probably not nearly as fun as blogging, but needs to be done nonetheless.
Friday, March 13, 2009
What an interesting week this has been.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A randomn, far from useful post :)
A sweet Valentine gave me this beautiful candle, (if you look closely you will see that it is in our wedding colors). Its wax on the outside, hollow in the middle, and has a oil wick, or whatever its called. So it will burn/last forever! I love it :)
This one shows what happens when a bottle of Arbor Mist is forgotten in the freezer untill the next morning, (I'm not even going to show you what the freezer looks like because of it). Learn from our mistakes guys. Who knew that Asparagus would keep growing after you bought it? Even though it seemed kinda alien to me we still ate it, and it tasted good :) *mmm*
And here is one of me and my husband showing affection. Of course, due to our awesome lameness, this is just about the only picture we have of ourselves from Valentines day. Hey at least we got one, right!?