Monday, January 26, 2009

Woo-Hoo its another Monday!

I have nothing to say today, except that it is really cold in my apt and I 'stink' at making myself take naps.

But since I'm here now I might as well come up with something to talk about :)
My brother Scott just moved down from AK. He doesn't yet know what he will do for work or where he will live, so if you could pray for him that would be incredible! He is on Josh's "Hit List" for Heart for Ministry and since he put Scott on there we have been praying for my brother non-stop. It is awesome to see him healthy, but his lifestyle has been rough on him. He has scars from being beat up, eyes that are tired, and nerve damage all throughout his body from a fight he got into...its crazy to see someone changed so much in such little time. I thank God for bringing him down here! A friend of our's told us yesterday that he has been praying that God will bring godly people into Scott's life....perhaps that is why he is here? Scott said he wants to go to church with us and Josh mentioned something to him about helping out with construction work at the church-I know of quite a few godly people over there...I'm pretty excited about the possibility of Scott helping out :) I've been praying for my family members since I was sixteen, my heart so yearns for them to yearn for the LORD! I wish I could just take God and put Him in their hearts so that they would treasure and cherish Him and never want to let Him go. I know I should not get discouraged about praying for them, and right now I'm not, though sometimes for a season I give up praying for them or just plain forget to pray. I just don't know why God takes His time changing some hearts and others get touches immediately. I'm not complaining about God, its just one of those mysteries about Him that I won't ever understand. Why some prayers are answered immediately and others are prayed for years before they are answered. All in all I know God hears my prayers for my family members, and I know He cherishes them. What is that vs. that says that His incense is the prayers of the saints? Or something like that, at least.
Its funny because I wasn't planning on coming here and talking about Scott, or my family, or prayer, or lack there of...but now that I am, I feel compelled to leave and pray for them all. This is why I am enjoying blogging so much. I know that there will probably be very few people who ever read these, but for me, (like I was mentioning to you yesterday, Barbi), it is a chance to get thoughts out. And since I have to write in clear and concise sentences, it causes my heart and mind to work out the things going on in them. Its a neat little thing, this world of blogging!
Well seeing how I feel compelled to pray, I suppose I should not ignore that which has been brought out of heart and to my mind's attention.
Much love and many blessings to you, whoever you are, that is reading this :)

1 comment:

  1. Audra, how did I not realize you started a blog?? I'm so glad I found this today! Your post both inspired and humbled me. I, too, have family members who desperately need God. I wish that I were more diligent to pray for them. And I know what you mean about not understanding why God chooses to answer some prayers right away, and have us wait and wait on others. I'm just so glad to know that He's sovereign and does have a plan! :)

    Love you, my dear friend! hugs to you and Josh both!!!

