Friday, February 6, 2009

Babies are EVERYWHERE...and so is all their stuff

Yesterday, my co-worker informed me that two of our customers are newly impregnated, and than said, "ya know what this means Audra, you're next". As if I'm putting something in these ladies coffees, and than sneaking it into my own coffee, so that is causes this epidemic, haha!

It is funny though how many people are popping out, or are close to popping out, little additions. And the other equally interesting detail is how very many of those are girls! Which, I would totally not mind catching THAT train. I mean I do want a little boy, several actually, but it seems like the odds are against Josh and I for a female child. We both have brothers for siblings, and there isn't a sister among us. So whatever you ladies are drinking, or whatever it is you are doing to produce the XX chromosome to dominate the XY...I want in on it!
And here is something worth pondering, have you heard it said that whenever there was a war to come there seemed to be a lot more boys born in the 15-20 years before the war, than there were girls? My mother-in-law pointed this out to me. I guess there has been, (this is 'hear-say', remember), studies to prove/show this. If you go back and look at birth records those 15-20 years before a war begins, they have seen that a significant number of boys were being born over girls. Interesting huh? I pretty much think about that all the time, especially these days when the abundance of children being born seem to be girls, or at least in the majority of women around me, (I'll come back to explain why I say this, in a moment). It is so incredibly Awesome to, in a slight way, be able to recognize His provision for the human race and see how God knows what lays ahead of us. Since He knows when serious wars will take place and many young men will die, He provides enough men to fight during the war, and than there are those who survive, or just didn't fight, who are available to get married and keep the whole 're-populating' the earth thing going. Seriously, I think about this probably a couple times, every day. It fascinates me! For me it is clear confirmation that my faith is in the True and Living God, because it shows How intimately involved with us He is. I mean He already knits us together in our mother's womb, (amazing!), but that He works it out so that there will be a lot of boys to a few girls being born....He is incredibly Awesome! I don't know anyone who is more organized and plans ahead better than Him :), (probably one of the biggest understatements of the year).
So I said I would come back to explain why the abundance of little girls around me has caused me to think about this a lot more. A few years ago I remember when tons and tons of little boys were being born. I mean, I grew up in part of that time period. *Proof I did - I have three brothers and Josh is one of three sons in his family, pretty good proof aye? But I remember being young and recognizing that an awful lot of little boys were being born, and only one or two girls. So here, let me get to the point...
I know why God caused all the boys to be born, (scary to say, but there is obviously going to be a big war in our lifetime - unless God was planning for the Iraq war, there will probably be more, and worse, and bigger ones. O I get chills saying that), but why is He bringing so many girls into the world? I wonder if we are in for a war bigger than we have ever seen before, that is going to effect both sexes in ways we have yet to experience. Like bombs on entire populations or more women in battle. Or maybe it is because God just really wants to make sure all the boys who live through the war have a good variety to choose from, who knows what God's plans are. In any case, kind'a neat to think about huh?
Amongst the pondering, this much I understand and know is true; He is on the move. Earthquakes, tsunami's, volcanoes acting up, um what else are we looking for? Signs in the "sun and moon and stars..." Luke 21:25. How much longer will He wait? I know He is patient, and wants as many as will come to Him, to come to him, but how much more will we see before He takes us home? Its a mystery. I used to be afraid of that day, being young in my mind and more immature in my relationship with Him, but now I find myself excited to finally be home with Him! O what Joy it is to sit in His presence while I'm still in this sin drenched body; I can not fathom being clothed in His glory, sitting before His majesty, worshipping in His physical presence, forever satisfied in His love, with nothing more in the flesh to distract me and pull me away from my beloved Father. *sigh* O man now that REALLY gives me chills! But the good kind :D
Today, all day long, my flesh has been stinking up my walk like hard core. O gosh this darn thing, (the flesh), gets me angry! I want to just be perfect, and not sin anymore, and never disappoint my Father by giving into Actually I take the beginning of that first sentence back, the flesh is ALWAYS stinking up my walk, but today God helped me to see when and where :) He is so good like that. I Praise Him for His unending Grace- 'cause seeing the nastiness of my heart I just don't ever get it, I continually choose sin when I know I really don't want it- but His grace, O His grace, is so sweet and precious to me!
I really really really like this blogging thing. I said it here before I think, well at least in person to one friend, but its kind'a like what a prayer journal does for me. The Spirit uses it to help me realize truth. Not that what I am saying is so incredibly profound stuff that I'm learning and feel the need to bring here to you, but it causes me to gather my thoughts, reflect, and focus on what the Lord is teaching me. And its free healthy entertainment, what a sweet deal!
Ok well friends I think I just unloaded a good junk of my mind to you, so I will let you alone now. Besides you have enough of your own thoughts in your head, do you really want mine in there too?
I love you all! I really truly do :)
God bless you.


  1. ok... deep post, Audra. but very profound and interesting. I hope you're right about the 'lots of girls' thing. we find out tomorrow and our fingers are still crossed that it's a girl, but we will see. And we will be equally stoked at whichever little baby (a girl or a boy) is growing in there. love ya!

  2. And it is a girl! Woo-hoo! So that now means that out of all the prego's I know...its like 6 girls to 2 boys. I'm still wondering why that is? Like I said, I want on the girl train too!

  3. haha well hurry up and get pregnant and we'll know EVEN sooner what you'll be having!!! :)

  4. Hey Hey my blogger friend=) You are just too cute and this is a great post. We think that we our having a boy and according to the chinese pregnancy chart we our, so you never know:)

  5. Hey girl! Didn't know you had a blog! Fun!! We do too! Check out Love you!!!!
