Saturday, January 24, 2009

Date Night~!

My hubby and I haven't seen much of each other lately, so all week we have been looking forward to our desperately needed date night! We went to dinner at a nice place in the downtown mall, watched a movie with our free movie passes (thanks mom!), and than returned home for an evening of battle ship and champagne (which was really not good so it barely got touched).

Of course we had to get some ice cream, much to the breaking of my will against eating sugar, and ended up with leftovers, which sat in the the theater with us for over an hour and a half (does that mean I shouldn't eat it now?). The movie we watched was the new one with Kevin James, Paul Blart; Mall cop...pretty darn funny (and I know you like Kevin James Jess, so you would probably enjoy this one). Quite a few times I looked over at Josh as he hung his head down in that 'Are you Serious?' laugh that comes when something totally ridiculous has just happened...I love it when he laughs :) Josh won in battleship, but not before I blew up four of his ships (including the Carrier - so that is like double points for me). And then we just sat on the couch, listening to music, immensely enjoying one another's company. Our wedding song came on and I started to silently cry into Josh's chest, and couldn't believe how much love began to immediately fill my heart. I mean I loved the man before the song came on, but as it played I was 1) reminded of our beautiful wedding day, and 2) reminded of every wonderful day I have had with Josh since our wedding day. I can't boast about Josh, but I sure can say that God shows me He loves me by giving me such an incredible spouse...I stinkin love that man!

Unfortunately, Josh and I do a pretty poor job of taking pictures of ourselves (but honestly, how many pictures of just the two of us do we need? I hope we will be better about taking pictures after children are a part of our lives) So here is the one picture from our date We are standing in the hallway where the elevator dropped us off to our car. For not a very nice backround I think the picture still turned out pretty good (thats what love in two people does - turns any drab and dreary hallway into a backdrop of romance! haha or something like that).
It was a very delightful evening with my husband, something that I wish could happen more often. Actually I told Josh today that I really really wanna' go on a cruise again. Ah man that would be SWEET!!! So we are going to look into it. We will see. I think that after being reminded of our wedding day it lead my mind into reminiscing our honeymoon cruise to Mexico. I think working might be causing my mind to check out vacationing too. Work is good, but ya know when you've been working for about 4 months and come to that point of 'its time for a vacation', or is that just me because I'm a wimp when it comes to working? Well no matter what the cause of my desire to cruise again, I think any reason to want to go is good enough.
Well my dear friends, I really ought to get off so that I can hit the treadmill (woo-hoo for exercise!), if I don't go now it won't happen today :)
Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh... dinner, movie, champagne and battleship!! You two lovebirds, you! Mo and I need to get out for a datenight too! I'm jealous.
