Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I am head over heels...

...for a little boy named Elias.

He is the happiest baby I know. He smiles so big, loves his mommy indefinitely, and his daddy is his best buddy.

He is over 26 inches, and already 15 lbs!

About 3 weeks ago we started him on solids and he is loving them! Ok, well he hates green beans [but if I cover the flavor of them up with a little apple juice, it suddenly becomes the best thing he's ever eaten!]. Whenever I try to give him apple juice-less green beans he dives for the spoon, gobbles up the beans, and than sits back in his bumbo and cries. Its actually pretty funny. Other than green beans, he has eaten [and loved] rice cereal, bananas, watermelon, and oatmeal. We also let him try a starburst and he really liked that!

I can't believe that he is already 5 months. I swear every day he grows I have such mixed emotions. I feel both joy and sorrow.

Whenever he is going down for the night I cuddle him in the rocking chair until he starts to rub his adorable little eyes and drift off. He generally talks to me, and I sing to him. He mumbles and makes little noises like 'uhhh' or 'ahhh' - very monotone and even keel.

About a month ago, while nursing him, he reached up with his left arm and started waving it around in the air. I knew immediately what he was doing, and leaned my face forward so that he could find it with his 'searching' hand. I love love LOVE when he does this! I'm not sure what is motivating him to search for my face, or why he only does it with his left hand, but once he finds it he just rests his hand on my lips, cheek, or chin. Of course he can only keep it still for about 20 seconds, and than up and out his hand goes again, just to come back down and squash my face. Its very sweet. Its one of those memories I hope to always cherish and hold unto.

He rolls unto his tummy, and he is getting pretty close to sitting up, though right now he is mostly interested in chewing on his toes [sucking the right big toe, to be exact]. We'll try to sit him up and he will usually bend himself in half and reach for the feet in front of him. Last night Josh helped him with sitting up and we got a little of it on camera :)

Elias is such a sweet boy! I surely will miss his baby hood when it is all said and done. Even as I say that I fight back tears, realizing how quickly the time is going breaks my heart. It saddens me to think that in another year I will be back here, [hopefully], updating about what our 17 month old is up to.

The first month dragged like the last weeks of pregnancy. After we finally got nursing down, though, man time has flown by. I swear I was just taking his 4 months pictures, and already he needs his 5th month ones. I wish I could make time stand still, just for a little while. I often catch myself saying ,"I can't wait until...[such and such]" only to quickly correct myself and say, "I'm so excited for the day when Elias does...[such and such]". I don't want to breeze by these amazing moments too quickly. I don't want to waste a moment doing anything other than deeply and fully loving my son.

I honestly can't believe how much I adore him. It wasn't until this exact moment that I realize how much I love that little boy. He has fully and completely captured my heart.

I can't imagine him not being so beautiful and innocent, but I know that one day we will see that ugly sin nature come through.

O how I cherish all these things in my heart! O how I love Elias so much I could burst!

His daddy is pretty smitten over him as well. I am thankful for that though. Whenever Josh comes home for lunch or after work, the first thing he does is look for Elias. He kisses his perfect cheeks and talks to him in silly baby talk, and I just love to hear them interacting with one another. Elias loves his daddy too. He already gets excited whenever he walks into the room.

Its very sweet how Elias expresses his excitement. So far the best way to tell whether or not he is excited is to watch his hands and legs. His little wrists will sort of twist in circles and his fingers race up and down quickly as if he is playing piano. He also stretches both his arm's and leg's out stiff and just before the peak of his excitement his body calms a little, he takes in a deep breath, and with wide eyes he lets out an excited scream of delight! It really is so precious. Gosh I love that boy!!!

He still isn't one for crying much. Most of his crying really serves a very valid purpose, whether it be caused by hunger, pain, sadness, loneliness, or tiredness. Even when he cut both of his bottom teeth just last week, I would have had no idea it was happening had he not been tugging at his ear in the middle of the night. He never experienced any fevers, nor did his gums become swollen and red. I don't even remember him drooling more than usual. And like I said, if it hadn't been for him pulling at his ear after only being asleep for a couple of hours, I would have had no idea he was cutting a tooth. Now that the two bottom ones are in, however, there will certainly be no more chewing on mommy's fingers, ouch!

I love love love this little blessing so much! I can't even remember life before him, and it is difficult to remember what marriage to Josh was like before having Elias [which slightly bothers me].

There is no better job, for a woman, than to be called to mommyhood. I love this job. I love this life God has given us. I love it all!