I don't struggle with boredom often, but I have recently found myself to be heading that way at work. The phone just doesn't ring like it used to *sigh*
So in light of my nearing boredom, I decided to actually study the Word! Every time I do, it is a sweet and rewarding experience :D I love the Bible! And I love God who translates it for my not-so-smart brain.
I've been reading Roman's during this past week'ish. Today, a "problem" with a family member came up. While searching the scriptures for answers, I came again to my past reading in Roman's 1:27-2:5. In helping me better understand the depths of what I was reading, I turned to my fellow friend, David Guzik. He has commentaries on many books of the Bible, (all of which you can find at blueletterbible.com), and they are excellent!
While reading the word, and following his commentary, this particular piece stood out to me.
not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?"
Rom. 2:4
"Not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance (in ref. to vs. 4): Many people misunderstand the goodness of God towards the wicked. They don’t understand the entire reason for it is to lead them to repentance.
i. Men should see the goodness of God and understand:
- God has been better to them than they deserve
- God has shown them kindness when they have ignored Him
- God has shown them kindness when they have mocked Him
- God is not a cruel master and they may safely surrender to Him
- God is perfectly willing to forgive them
- God should be served out of simple gratitude
ii. Are you waiting for God to drive you to repentance? He doesn’t work like that; God leads you to repentance. “Notice, dear friends, that the Lord does not drive you to repentance. Cain was driven away, as a fugitive and a vagabond, when he had killed his righteous brother Abel; Judas went and hanged himself, being driven by an anguish of remorse because of what he had done in betraying his Lord; but the sweetest and best repentance is that which comes, not by driving, but by drawing: ‘The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance.’” (Spurgeon)"
Um WoW! Can you say, 'amazing!'? Cause I sure do when I read this!
Isn't it sad how we so often have humbly received God's grace, only to begin to believe we have deserved it? And when we begin to think that, we than look down our noses at others, condemning the obvious sinner for what they're doing. We forget that it is because of His kindess that we have received His grace. If only we would walk in His grace, sinners would see His love and turn to Him because they know He is kind. (I'm not saying it is up to us to 'save the world', but we do need to put our lives into His hands and let His love flow out of us and unto others.)
Those are my thoughts for the moment, and I hope to dwell on them all day. I have been wanting to post for some time. Reading this scripture has given me enough passion to do just that. Now, I get to go live it out, (especially since I know God is going to help me fully learn this lesson now :)
God bless you! I pray, if you are His child, He will show you today more how to walk in His ways. If you are not His child, I pray He will open your heart to the love He has for you.